Get Involved
We need your gifts, talents, time, energy & help.
We need you!
We could not do what we feel called to do if it were not for the partnership with the local businesses, Churches, Maui County, the Department of Education, other nonprofits and YOU, the faithful volunteers.
There are so many ways that you can help us reach out to Maui’s youth. You don’t need special skills to help change a life, your desire and commitment will do most of it. Here is a list of needs.
- General volunteer: this person is willing to help wherever there is need. Whether that be with summer camps, ongoing programs, tournaments, fundraising events, photography, or helping with registration/ check- in at events.
- Sports Program Director: Our goal is to inspire & equip more youth through expanding to more sports. In order to do this we need people who are willing to take the lead in a sports program, and carry out our mission/ vision/ values.
- Board Member: Maybe you don’t feel called to be a coach or program director but you have business experience that could help our organization move forward and flourish. If you enjoy strategic planning, fundraising or grant writing, serving as a board member could be the perfect fit for you.
We would love to hear where you are gifted and how you would like to serve with Vertical Sports Maui, please let us know!
Email us here